Ok so it has been a year…
Posted in Other Stuff on December 29th, 2007 by enwewnAnd in this year life has gotten in the way a lot. We have been playing DnD online in openRPG still most weeks, and I have failed to get any of that up. So here we go. We added a few people, one player changed character, and we lost a few. Current playing line up is Tordain, Horis, Milltonbarry, Lilith, and Khalan with Dori sometimes. We crawled though some caves, got a bump forward and crawled though a dungeon fought a few tentacles, then a hoard of zombies and a necromancer. Now working our way back out we have ran into a wizard. Yeah that’s a years worth of play… Details would make it longer, but I don’t want to. We never got back together for a vampire game and I stopped working on the nights due to the editor not getting any editing done, but I still have the notes, so I will try and finish them out, I think it is only two or three more nights. The Albert Lea game died slowly mostly do to not getting more people, I suck with only two player, just not enough to feed off of. I bought a house a few month ago. I am working on finish the attic to give me space to game in, so once that is done I hope to make time and get peoples together to play. At the rate it is going that should be before 2009, but maybe not much. Really I hope for February of 2008, but I know how some things work out. Duluth games are all dead to my knowledge, so I will look those over. I am going to do some web page work and update a few things including Word Press. Well that is enough for now. I will type here in the not to distant future.