Starting Night Nine
Starting Night Nine
Hannah awakes from a day of terrifying dreams of her blood boiling through skin, of having hot irons poked into her eye sockets, and of her flesh dripping off her bones. As the terror subsides she finds herself with the realization that her sire is gone.
Hugh had a bad night of dreams depicting him in Bob Finley’s house being burn t in the same fire that took him away. He could see the pain on Bob’s face that he had so hoped wasn’t there when he died in the fire. Waking up screaming out and unfamiliar name, Thomas, he knows that some thing has changed for him this day.
Stacy Nabb awakes fro her daily rest screaming her sire’s name, Thomas. Though they didn’t see each other often and when they did it rarely end in any thing but a fight. She still had that connection with him that is now missing. This makes her even more sure that this new prince needs to go as he seem unable to do the job he wanted so badly.
This was the planned way start the night and I did end up using it for the most part although I some changes to the wording was made.