ADnD updates
Posted in ADnD on September 30th, 2006 by enwewnOk I got the game back up to date. We had a few months when we were not able to get the game going, but we are back on track now so injoy.
Ok I got the game back up to date. We had a few months when we were not able to get the game going, but we are back on track now so injoy.
I just caught back up with the raw logs for ADnD tonight. All the game nights we have played now have a raw log up. I also did updates for the index and the list pages so they are easy to find.
Well the game got called tonight as the DM wasn’t felling well, so I went though and put up all the back logged logs that I had, to give me something to do.
Ok my fellow onlookers. We are back for a brief over view of where our ill fated group of adventurers find themselves. Although it has been some time since we last caught up to them much and very little has happened all at once. Most notably is the appearance of one! Dori who appears to be on the run from the very same Necromancer that we have previously discussed. She has displayed some interesting magic like abilities and a penchant for stealth but not much over all in the way of grace or finesse. The poor group is constantly battling the undead hordes sent out by their nemesis and have even encountered a small group of upright hyenas. Their most recent misadventure has found them at the bottom of a very steep and slippery slope that terminates in what as of yet appears top be an impassable swamp. Now the of course the inconvience of this is that the swamp is between our intrepid explorers and their target. So if you are willing to subject your selves to the abuse of the game and can join us in Open.Rpg in the Darkness Unvailed Server and in the Rictus room on Tuesday night we will begin session 16 with a surprise quite ! unlike any that we have previously encountered?
Welcome intrepid adventurers to the update of the current campaign. At the end of session 11 we find our heroes some days journey outside of Garnos on the island of Carlinty. The quest as of yet is not fully realized but well under way. The most recent leg of the journey has taken them in search of a young and eager necromancer that has laid siege to a road from Tirma (ruling city of Carlinty) in the south west to Garnos and beyond. Using the armies of undead he has taken control of upon the untimely death of his Master this ambitious mage has only lost one or so caravans to the hearty people that make up the populace of this island. There by shutting down almost all commerce in the southern and western side of the island. This of course has upset many of the local entrepreneurs and crime bosses for that has cut into their profits. So now our little group of Friends has been retained by their respective masters, so to speak, in Garnos to rid the region of this vermin. The motivations of the individual members of the group are numerous! but the end is the same. The sooner we get this done the sooner we can get back to the main quest and ditch each other when that is done.
As we begin session 12 we will find the heroes in the midst of a battle with some very tough if not down right mean zombie looking critters Shall we proceed?
I have just added two more nights to the ADnD logs. Also I have the updated rules that we play be in OpenRPG post there. Todd will be giving me a Rictus write up soon, and that will be there as well.