X Name Clan Covenant Virtue Vice BP WP HU HE Short story
x Amelia Mansel Ventrue Orde Dracul Fortitude Pride 6 5 7 5 leader of orde dracul
Andrew Mills Nosferatu Carthian Fortitude Pride 4 5 3 6 Controls docks but is losing grip as the new prince cleans house
x Bobbie Beaucomp Gangrel UnAligned Fortitude Wrath 4 8 3 6 hound
x Carmen Oster Ventrue LS Faith Wrath 3 4 5 6 New Prince's allys
Cris Maynard Daeva Invictus Fortitude Gluttony 3 4 5 5
x Dalia Pestage Ventrue LS Faith Pride 2 5 6 5 New prince's business adviser
x Dalia Preston Nosferatu Carthian Temperance Pride 3 5 5 6 New Prince allys
Damon Wesman Nosferatu LS Faith Wrath 2 5 5 6 New prince's lackey
x Dawn Grigsby Gangrel Invictus Temperance Gluttony 4 5 5 5 Old Herald/ new secretary
x Derick Coverstone Gangrel LS Fortitude Wrath 5 7 4 7 Bishop 
x Dianna Harlow Mekhat Invictus Faith Lust 4 5 4 5 up and coming in the invictus but side tracked by Paul
x Donald Riddell Ventrue Invictus Faith Pride 7 7 4 7 leader of clan in the invictus and for the city at large
x Enos Ard Nosferatu Invictus Justice Pride 6 7 5 7 sheriff
x Jacob Collette  Ventrue Invictus Temperance Pride 6 6 4 6 Old Prince
x Jeff Orbrock  Ventrue UnAligned Prudence Sloth 3 4 5 6 first chide
x Joe Walter Mekhat Orde Dracul Faith Lust 4 5 5 5 left invictus to goto orde dracul still not trusted
x Judy Lone Mekhat Carthian Faith Pride 5 6 3 6 leader of clan in the cartian movement
x Marvin Mekhat Invictus Temperance Pride 5 7 5 6 Airports and Parks
x Minth Nosferatu Invictus Fortitude Sloth 2 5 4 6 Dog catcher, Friend of Gracey
Nadene Karmel Mekhat Invictus Justice Pride 5 5 7 6 Politics
Pete Aeres Daeva LS Faith Lust 4 5 4 7 LS priest in charge of the Queens area
Raymond Berg Nosferatu Invictus Fortitude Lust 3 5 4 6 Go between for Riley and Reed to get to Robert and Donald controls tech sector
Reed Veits Gangrel Carthian Temperance Pride 4 6 5 6 Informent for Donald and Robert
Riley Corgan Gangrel Invictus Justice Greed 3 4 5 6 Informent for Donald and Robert
Robert Bonnell Ventrue Invictus Faith Greed 4 6 5 6 working to play a bigger role in the finacial seanes
Rudolph Antal Daeva LS Faith Pride 5 8 2 7 Inquistor
Sarah Cassity Ventrue Invictus Faith Lust 2 4 6 6 still looking for her place in the invictus hopes that she "made" herself a friend
Stacey Nabb Mekhat Carthian Faith Lust 3 5 5 5 tring to get more involed in the movement and bring in new members
Stepanie Riverton Daeva Invictus Justice Lust 3 4 5 6
Terrie Dalton Nosferatu Invictus Prudence Lust 2 4 5 5 club going informent
x Thomas Huntly Mekhat Invictus Faith Gluttony 3 4 5 6 lost in the works of the machine and trying to get out
x Vern Sanghani  Daeva LS Faith Greed 6 7 3 6 new prince
Vincent Mekhat Invictus Fortitude Greed 4 6 5 6 Trains and power plans
Zetta Rentar Mekhat LS Charity Pride 2 6 6 6 New Prince's allys