Raw Log March 15, 2006

Welcome to the DarknessUnvailed play group server.
We had been playing every Tuesday night in person, but lives are getting more and more complected, so we have moved here. This server is temperary, so it will only be up during games and testing.
Storyteller in the VtR game
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed to OpenRPG!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.

Welcome to Rictus
A few rules for this room...
For those who are just joining us, please whisper to the Gms or Players.
(Please limit what you say to the DM as he has enough to do.)
You are more then welcome to lurk, if it looks interesting to you,
stick around until the end as we will open up the room to comments then.
If you are a player...
1. Have fun…
2. Do not move minis that do not belong to you...
3. Do not draw on the screen unless you are casting a spell or need to show a radius for some game related reason…
4. If ((ooc)) does not surround a statement it will be assumed that you are speaking in character…
If you say it in character it could have serious consequences…
5. Do not whisper to the DM unless it is game related…
6. If you whisper to another character what your intentions are but do not relay that to the DM it does not “count”…
7. Spell casters you must announce what your spell is at the beginning of the round or you will forfeit your spell…
All others you must declare your action ,ie. sword, axe, run like a scared little bitch, before you roll initiative.
8. Initiative will be called for as ((initiative)) Joe (Horis,enwewn) will execute the start of the rolls by typing the name of each player in order.
On your turn state your intentions and roll with modifier.
You will be responsible for keeping track of your own number. The DM will call for each successive number by sending ((next)).
9. Each player will have one minute to execute their action when their turn comes around in the round.
If a player misses their turn in a round they will wait until the last turn in the round to execute their action regardless of the consequences…
Actions go as follows:
Declare action in full, roll to hit, announce ((hit)) or ((miss)), roll damage.
10. Spell casters… If you are hit in a round before you cast ,you loose your spell and the points associated with it…
11. If you have technical questions about the game whisper to Joe or Nick…(Preferably Nick as Joe is doing other things already.)
If Nick or Joe have a question they will see the DM about the issue…
12. Figure your modifiers out and add them into your die roller before you roll…
13. If you disagree with a ruling by the DM you may appeal. You will loose but you may appeal. Just kidding.
State your case in the open forum and I will review the case before game play continues.
Keep appeals down by appealing life and death issues not mundane things like:
“I missed that by 1 and I forgot my modifier” two actions later…
14. If the DM calls for a proficiency check [to appear as ((prof:check)) ] the DM may roll it or you may roll it depending on the situation.
DM will state which after the check call.
15. The DM may not roll all rolls on the server.
This is essential for game play because the DM may need to fudge rolls from time to time so as to save a characters proverbial butt…
16. The players will roll all rolls in the server unless otherwise directed …
17. The DM is always right…
18. If the DM is wrong see above…
19. The DM does not kill characters stupid players kill characters…
20. Do not blame the DM he only does what the dice tell him to do…
Now if you read all that, good for you.
If not read it please, as it will help the game play. hopefully
Todd: DM; DM and anything else...
Horis: Dwarf; War Priest of Afmin, aka enwewn, the man with the server
Kahlan: Human; Mage, aka KittyKat
Miltonberry: Gnome; Fighter, aka Ken
Malkiev: Human; Paladin, aka Archaviel
Valdrin: Myrinish (Drow); Theif, aka Mike
Telinous: Salnish (Wood Elf); Rogue, aka Nug
Dori Valorian: Human; Spell Fire user, aka Deb

[Tue Mar 14 23:07:30 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) enwewn...
[Tue Mar 14 23:57:37 2006] : (3) Stone (enter): 23:57
[Wed Mar 15 00:00:47 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of LURKER to (3) Dori...
[Wed Mar 15 00:00:54 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Dori...
[Wed Mar 15 00:00:59 2006] : (1) enwewn: hey there
[Wed Mar 15 00:01:08 2006] : (4) Todd (enter): 00:01
[Wed Mar 15 00:01:14 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of GM to (4) Todd...
[Wed Mar 15 00:01:17 2006] : (4) Todd: hullo
[Wed Mar 15 00:01:33 2006] : (1) enwewn: you get the e-mail?
[Wed Mar 15 00:01:41 2006] : Todd: have not looked yet
[Wed Mar 15 00:01:46 2006] : Todd: where is Ken?
[Wed Mar 15 00:01:57 2006] : (1) enwewn: at work would be my guess
[Wed Mar 15 00:02:04 2006] : Todd: ah ok
[Wed Mar 15 00:02:05 2006] : Todd: brb
[Wed Mar 15 00:02:21 2006] : (5) Malkiev (enter): 00:02
[Wed Mar 15 00:02:27 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (5) Malkiev...
[Wed Mar 15 00:11:38 2006] : Todd: Hey nick
[Wed Mar 15 00:11:38 2006] : (3) Dori: hey
[Wed Mar 15 00:11:47 2006] : Todd: hullo dori
[Wed Mar 15 00:11:56 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Hi peeps
[Wed Mar 15 00:12:00 2006] : (1) enwewn: hey back agian and stuff.
[Wed Mar 15 00:12:48 2006] : Todd: yuppers
[Wed Mar 15 00:12:56 2006] : Todd: wonder where Mike is
[Wed Mar 15 00:13:15 2006] : (1) enwewn: give him a call and find out.
[Wed Mar 15 00:13:18 2006] : Todd: Kat
[Wed Mar 15 00:14:06 2006] : (5) Malkiev: She's sitting at her computer being too lazy to pay attention for herself whether or not ppl are on yet.
[Wed Mar 15 00:14:20 2006] : (6) Mike (enter): 00:14
[Wed Mar 15 00:14:22 2006] : Todd: LOL
[Wed Mar 15 00:14:41 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) Mike...
[Wed Mar 15 00:14:51 2006] : (1) enwewn: mike Ken there yet?
[Wed Mar 15 00:15:05 2006] : Todd: mike is goin potty
[Wed Mar 15 00:15:17 2006] : Todd: everyone ready for another storm
[Wed Mar 15 00:18:55 2006] : Todd: Any one ready for another snow storm
[Wed Mar 15 00:19:44 2006] : (5) Malkiev: I'm ready to crawl into my cave and sleep the snow storm away.
[Wed Mar 15 00:19:44 2006] : (3) Dori: i'm not
[Wed Mar 15 00:19:51 2006] : (1) enwewn: quit type those bad 4 leter words or i will be forced to do something about it.
[Wed Mar 15 00:21:11 2006] : Todd: well we are i nfor another tomorrow
[Wed Mar 15 00:21:25 2006] : Todd: Nick you have a cave?
[Wed Mar 15 00:21:48 2006] : (1) enwewn: at lest i have that day off, poor Ken...
[Wed Mar 15 00:22:04 2006] : Todd: lol
[Wed Mar 15 00:23:31 2006] : Todd: Ken got lost I take it
[Wed Mar 15 00:24:10 2006] : (1) enwewn: no just have a long drive, yeah that's it...
[Wed Mar 15 00:24:34 2006] : Todd: damn gnomes
[Wed Mar 15 00:25:19 2006] : Todd: Nick wake Kat up if you can
[Wed Mar 15 00:25:56 2006] : (5) Malkiev: I told her to wake up, she said no.
[Wed Mar 15 00:26:20 2006] : Todd: well that should be like her normal game play then...LOL
[Wed Mar 15 00:27:13 2006] : (8) Kahlan (enter): 00:27
[Wed Mar 15 00:27:55 2006] : Todd: Kat
[Wed Mar 15 00:28:10 2006] : (8) Kahlan: todd
[Wed Mar 15 00:28:12 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (8) Kahlan...
[Wed Mar 15 00:28:15 2006] : Todd: hi
[Wed Mar 15 00:28:53 2006] : (8) Kahlan: hi
[Wed Mar 15 00:29:20 2006] : Configuration loaded successfully.
[Wed Mar 15 00:29:20 2006] :
Init Tool system config v2.2.4

[Wed Mar 15 00:29:20 2006] : Init Recording: enabled
[Wed Mar 15 00:29:21 2006] : System: D20
[Wed Mar 15 00:29:21 2006] : Sandglass: disabled
[Wed Mar 15 00:29:21 2006] : Sandglass force skip: disabled
[Wed Mar 15 00:29:21 2006] : Autosave: disabled
[Wed Mar 15 00:29:21 2006] : Hide IDs: disabled
[Wed Mar 15 00:29:39 2006] : Todd: How is every one
[Wed Mar 15 00:29:55 2006] : (6) Mike: he's probably at kwik trip
[Wed Mar 15 00:29:56 2006] : (3) Dori: tired
[Wed Mar 15 00:30:05 2006] : (8) Kahlan: tired
[Wed Mar 15 00:30:16 2006] : (1) enwewn: we are here arn't we... wide awake..
[Wed Mar 15 00:31:16 2006] : Todd: Kat you are always tired
[Wed Mar 15 00:31:28 2006] : Todd: Deb why you tired
[Wed Mar 15 00:31:39 2006] : (8) Kahlan: todd bite yourself
[Wed Mar 15 00:31:44 2006] : (3) Dori: long day
[Wed Mar 15 00:32:12 2006] : Todd: If only Kat if only
[Wed Mar 15 00:32:26 2006] : Todd: How was the meeting kat?
[Wed Mar 15 00:33:07 2006] : (8) Kahlan: so not worth being there
[Wed Mar 15 00:33:58 2006] : Todd: know how that goes
[Wed Mar 15 00:34:39 2006] : (1) enwewn: don't al of us.
[Wed Mar 15 00:38:05 2006] : (1) enwewn: any comments on my homework there todd
[Wed Mar 15 00:38:22 2006] : (9) Ken (enter): 00:38
[Wed Mar 15 00:38:23 2006] : (9) Ken (exit): 00:38
[Wed Mar 15 00:38:23 2006] : (9) Ken (enter): 00:38
[Wed Mar 15 00:38:26 2006] : (9) Ken (exit): 00:38
[Wed Mar 15 00:38:26 2006] : (9) Ken (enter): 00:38
[Wed Mar 15 00:38:34 2006] : Todd: about time ken
[Wed Mar 15 00:38:35 2006] : Todd: Hi
[Wed Mar 15 00:38:40 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (9) Ken...
[Wed Mar 15 00:38:48 2006] : (9) Ken: 'lo
[Wed Mar 15 00:39:14 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Kenny!
[Wed Mar 15 00:40:01 2006] : (9) Ken: Nikky!!
[Wed Mar 15 00:40:17 2006] : (9) Ken: Kitty!!
[Wed Mar 15 00:40:28 2006] : Todd: Ok
[Wed Mar 15 00:40:37 2006] : (8) Kahlan: hi
[Wed Mar 15 00:40:37 2006] : Todd: any questions from last week?
[Wed Mar 15 00:40:53 2006] : (8) Kahlan: yeah what did we do?
[Wed Mar 15 00:41:02 2006] : (1) enwewn: are we going to play longer tonight then last time?
[Wed Mar 15 00:41:47 2006] : Todd: should
[Wed Mar 15 00:41:51 2006] : Todd: ha ha ha
[Wed Mar 15 00:42:02 2006] : (9) Ken: Do I only get one chance per game session to learn how to dance?
[Wed Mar 15 00:42:12 2006] : (4) Todd: Maybe Ken
[Wed Mar 15 00:42:18 2006] : (4) Todd: So......
[Wed Mar 15 00:42:43 2006] : (4) Todd: 6 months pass
[Wed Mar 15 00:43:05 2006] : (4) Todd: You find your selves in the 2nd month of spring
[Wed Mar 15 00:43:09 2006] : (1) Horis: ((yeay it is warming up now....))
[Wed Mar 15 00:43:18 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev looks buffer than ever, but still ugly as sin. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:43:34 2006] : (3) Dori: ((Hold a sec))
[Wed Mar 15 00:43:41 2006] : (4) Todd: 20th of Antinon to be exact
[Wed Mar 15 00:43:43 2006] : (9) Ken: i wonder how far the necromancer got in 6 months
[Wed Mar 15 00:43:47 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( Holding ))
[Wed Mar 15 00:43:58 2006] : ** (1) Horis looks a little lost as he has been on the edge ot twon for quite sometime now. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:46:00 2006] : (4) Todd: You all find yourselves glad that you stayed put during winter
[Wed Mar 15 00:47:19 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev is glad we stayed put during winter. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:47:26 2006] : (6) Mike: (( guess I can assume I found my gem, struck a deal with Horis, kept my teacher happy, renegotiated the price of my arrows and managed to get all the other stuff done I was in the middle of ))
[Wed Mar 15 00:47:28 2006] : (4) Todd: The rains and monsoons that nailed the area made surviving seem very imporobable...And travle nearly deadly
[Wed Mar 15 00:47:42 2006] : ** (6) Mike is also glad we did not travel through winter **
[Wed Mar 15 00:47:53 2006] : Valdrin: ..
[Wed Mar 15 00:48:31 2006] : ** (8) Kahlan is glad we stayed put for the winter. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:49:32 2006] : ** (3) Dori is pissed as all hell. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:49:46 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev runs away. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:49:58 2006] : (1) Horis: ((and can still dance better the Milton))
[Wed Mar 15 00:50:12 2006] : (4) Todd: ((any one in the past 6 months need to check to see if you have v\had a bday
[Wed Mar 15 00:51:20 2006] : (3) Dori: She constantly complained the entire time that the group was wasting time and that the necromance we less then a couple of days away and that he would be getting stronger and could even move before the group life.
[Wed Mar 15 00:51:28 2006] : (3) Dori: we = was
[Wed Mar 15 00:52:11 2006] : Valdrin: 31st of Nordinon
[Wed Mar 15 00:52:14 2006] : ** (1) Horis kept reminding her that dieing just out side of the city doesn't help anyone. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:52:26 2006] : (9) Ken: Milton's was back on the 13th of methinon
[Wed Mar 15 00:53:01 2006] : (4) Todd: nordisaf maybe...yes
[Wed Mar 15 00:53:24 2006] : (1) Horis: ((your the one that asked))
[Wed Mar 15 00:53:51 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)
[Wed Mar 15 00:53:54 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
[Wed Mar 15 00:53:55 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
[Wed Mar 15 00:53:56 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [7] = (7)
[Wed Mar 15 00:53:57 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [8] = (8)
[Wed Mar 15 00:53:59 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [8] = (8)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:00 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:01 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:02 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:03 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:04 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:05 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [11] = (11)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:05 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [18] = (18)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:06 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:07 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [10] = (10)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:08 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [17] = (17)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:09 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [10] = (10)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:09 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:10 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:11 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:11 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [10] = (10)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:12 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:13 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [12] = (12)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:13 2006] : (9) Ken: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:16 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev kept reminding her that it wasn't her place to cdecide what the group does since she's just along for the ride. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:54:52 2006] : (1) Horis: ((and he still can dance...))
[Wed Mar 15 00:55:11 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( Can't even ))
[Wed Mar 15 00:55:29 2006] : (1) Horis: ((yeah that too))
[Wed Mar 15 00:55:50 2006] : ** (3) Dori pretty much tell him to shove it. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:57:04 2006] : ** (1) Horis asks Dori about the New Temple, evertime she is by, having just been back there once. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:58:07 2006] : (4) Todd: The villagers became your friends and soon tell you it is safe to travel again
[Wed Mar 15 00:58:33 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev spent a majority of his free time spreading the word of Solvidon. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:58:40 2006] : ** (3) Dori shrugs since she avoids temples like the plague. **
[Wed Mar 15 00:59:08 2006] : ** (1) Horis happy to hear this sets out to find the group and get moving. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:01:47 2006] : (1) Horis: So now that we have winter here it is time to get back to the task at hand.
[Wed Mar 15 01:02:27 2006] : Milton: yes, let's go find the necromancer and make him pay!
[Wed Mar 15 01:02:58 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Pay? Are we selling him something?
[Wed Mar 15 01:03:16 2006] : (4) Todd: ((my apologies to any one who is mad about sittin for 6 months))
[Wed Mar 15 01:03:16 2006] : (8) Kahlan: yeah little warrior in training cookies
[Wed Mar 15 01:03:17 2006] : Milton: yeah, death
[Wed Mar 15 01:03:36 2006] : (1) Horis: Only Kahlan has been selling stuff as far as I know.
[Wed Mar 15 01:04:10 2006] : (1) Horis: ((that lest it wasn't in RL that would have sucked more.
[Wed Mar 15 01:05:10 2006] : (1) Horis: ((so don't everyone start typing at once now))
[Wed Mar 15 01:05:37 2006] : (4) Todd: (( what is the plan of attack?))
[Wed Mar 15 01:06:03 2006] : Milton: (( find him - kill him))
[Wed Mar 15 01:06:03 2006] : Server Administrator-> Kicking '(6) Mike' from server... Removing dead client
[Wed Mar 15 01:06:04 2006] : (6) Mike (exit): 01:06
[Wed Mar 15 01:06:08 2006] : (8) Kahlan: (( plan???? when have we ever had a plan? ))
[Wed Mar 15 01:06:11 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( Find the bastard and kill him ))
[Wed Mar 15 01:06:34 2006] : (1) Horis: (( I can go with the find and kill myself that works))
[Wed Mar 15 01:06:37 2006] : (11) Mike (enter): 01:06
[Wed Mar 15 01:06:43 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Mike...
[Wed Mar 15 01:06:47 2006] : Valdrin: ..
[Wed Mar 15 01:06:52 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (11) Mike...
[Wed Mar 15 01:06:56 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( Find and kill yourself? ))
[Wed Mar 15 01:07:26 2006] : (1) Horis: ((look for the hidden commas
[Wed Mar 15 01:07:50 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( I can't see 'em, they're invisible. ))
[Wed Mar 15 01:08:25 2006] : Milton: (( see without your eyes ))
[Wed Mar 15 01:08:27 2006] : (3) Dori: "As a suggested before, we get close. And maybe Valdrin and myself can scout ahead."
[Wed Mar 15 01:08:29 2006] : Villager: The people would like to offer you a guide fro mthe village
[Wed Mar 15 01:09:02 2006] : (1) Horis: That could be most helpful thank you.
[Wed Mar 15 01:09:09 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev is wiling to accept the offer. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:09:53 2006] : Valdrin: i prefer to scout from the rear... i find it better for self preservation
[Wed Mar 15 01:09:56 2006] : Milton: (( yes! a pawn!))
[Wed Mar 15 01:10:32 2006] : Valdrin: much better than being mistaken for a roaming jackalope
[Wed Mar 15 01:10:55 2006] : DM: A tall man of about 6'1" comes forward and leans on a tree trunk near the center of the group and does not speak
[Wed Mar 15 01:11:38 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( We've been here for 6 months, it stands to reason that we would know everyone. Who is this tall man? ))
[Wed Mar 15 01:12:11 2006] : DM: Although you have seen him around you have never got to know him personally...
[Wed Mar 15 01:12:41 2006] : DM: He came and went frequently and was always headed to the south away from the necro
[Wed Mar 15 01:12:54 2006] : (3) Dori: ((For some reason my mini layer isn't working))
[Wed Mar 15 01:14:09 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev turns to the tall man. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:14:15 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Well met, friend.
[Wed Mar 15 01:14:34 2006] : DM: He nods and extends his hand
[Wed Mar 15 01:15:01 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev shakes the hand. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:15:15 2006] : (5) Malkiev: I am Malkiev. Might I have the pleasure of your name?
[Wed Mar 15 01:15:47 2006] : Milton: (( Silent Bob ))
[Wed Mar 15 01:16:39 2006] : Marquart: I am Marqaurt ....
[Wed Mar 15 01:16:46 2006] : Marquart: Wel lMet sir
[Wed Mar 15 01:17:05 2006] : ** (3) Dori waves to the man. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:17:17 2006] : ** (1) Horis starts to look for open space. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:17:40 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Well then. Shall we get this party started?
[Wed Mar 15 01:17:47 2006] : Marquart: nods to Dori
[Wed Mar 15 01:18:23 2006] : Marquart: "PArty? I do not belive you will find this amusing sir malkiev...."
[Wed Mar 15 01:19:21 2006] : (5) Malkiev: You could be right.... Well we never know unless we try.
[Wed Mar 15 01:19:28 2006] : Milton: no,no Marquart. it's a figure of speech
[Wed Mar 15 01:19:56 2006] : Milton: but we can still make our own fun
[Wed Mar 15 01:20:15 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Everyone ready to get going?
[Wed Mar 15 01:20:20 2006] : Marquart: "Tis an odd figure then..."
[Wed Mar 15 01:20:21 2006] : (8) Kahlan: sure
[Wed Mar 15 01:20:36 2006] : (3) Dori: "No I think we should stay another six months."
[Wed Mar 15 01:20:47 2006] : (5) Malkiev: ok
[Wed Mar 15 01:20:47 2006] : (1) Horis: yes we can get moving now.
[Wed Mar 15 01:21:01 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev begins praparing to stay a while longer. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:21:31 2006] : DM: Marquart is decked out in a very nice set of leatehr armour and carries a formidable long bow and sword of unknown make...
[Wed Mar 15 01:23:01 2006] : Marquart: Please let me know when you are ready to go"
[Wed Mar 15 01:23:29 2006] : Milton: let's go!
[Wed Mar 15 01:23:34 2006] : (3) Dori: "Ready"
[Wed Mar 15 01:23:38 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Lead the way.
[Wed Mar 15 01:23:45 2006] : (8) Kahlan: ok
[Wed Mar 15 01:24:27 2006] : Marquart: " I want it know that I will guide you as far as the border of his little serfdom and no further ...Do you understand?"
[Wed Mar 15 01:24:27 2006] : (1) Horis: Time is passing with us doing nothing when we should be moving as it is, lets us be off.
[Wed Mar 15 01:25:09 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Understood.
[Wed Mar 15 01:26:15 2006] : (1) Horis: Lead the way good sir.
[Wed Mar 15 01:26:31 2006] : DM: The man leads you away down the trai lyou came in on and into the dearkness of the swamp
[Wed Mar 15 01:27:03 2006] : (8) Kahlan: (( but i'm afraid of the deark!!!!! ))
[Wed Mar 15 01:27:13 2006] : DM: ((lol))
[Wed Mar 15 01:27:27 2006] : (3) Dori: ((what is a lyou and trai
[Wed Mar 15 01:27:45 2006] : Milton: ((I don't know wht a deark is, but it does sound scary ))
[Wed Mar 15 01:28:13 2006] : DM: (damn space bar))
[Wed Mar 15 01:29:31 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Follows along
[Wed Mar 15 01:29:31 2006] : DM: The better part of a day passes and you find your selves a goodly distance from the village when you realize that what you previously was just a day or sos journey before may be much more...
[Wed Mar 15 01:30:51 2006] : DM: Your guide moves silently and patiently as he leads you but stops frequently to look back in a chastising way as if to say you are all too noisy...
[Wed Mar 15 01:31:28 2006] : ** (3) Dori moves silently herself. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:31:59 2006] : ** (1) Horis just follows him. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:32:09 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Is quite self-confident and unconcerned about the noise.
[Wed Mar 15 01:32:21 2006] : ** Milton wonders why everyone is so quiet - we've never worried about it before **
[Wed Mar 15 01:32:55 2006] : ** (3) Dori shrug to the guide. "See what I got to put up with." **
[Wed Mar 15 01:33:07 2006] : DM: At about ten pm he stops you and motions for you to make camp
[Wed Mar 15 01:33:21 2006] : Marquart: "No fires..."
[Wed Mar 15 01:33:59 2006] : ** (1) Horis sets out a bed roll. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:34:00 2006] : ** (1) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Mar 15 01:34:09 2006] : (1) Horis: (food / Drink)
[Wed Mar 15 01:34:18 2006] : ** (8) Kahlan sets out her bedroll **
[Wed Mar 15 01:34:30 2006] : ** (3) Dori sits down and hopes she doesn't blow up. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:34:42 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev pull up a piece of ground. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:34:43 2006] : (1) Horis: (ale and bread with fish and some odd fruits)
[Wed Mar 15 01:34:50 2006] : (8) Kahlan: thanks horis
[Wed Mar 15 01:34:57 2006] : Valdrin: thank you horis
[Wed Mar 15 01:35:07 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev thanks Horis and chows. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:35:10 2006] : Milton: wow! look at the odd fruits
[Wed Mar 15 01:35:13 2006] : ** (8) Kahlan eats then lays on her bedroll **
[Wed Mar 15 01:35:15 2006] : ** (1) Horis takes his fill **
[Wed Mar 15 01:35:18 2006] : ** Milton eats **
[Wed Mar 15 01:35:34 2006] : ** Milton rolls out his bedroll and sleeps **
[Wed Mar 15 01:35:36 2006] : ** Valdrin eats util full and finds a tree to rest against **
[Wed Mar 15 01:35:39 2006] : ** (1) Horis motions to Marquart to take some also. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:36:03 2006] : Marquart: "There are beasts here that will come on you in the drakness and steak you away if they sense fire..."
[Wed Mar 15 01:36:17 2006] : Marquart: *steaL*
[Wed Mar 15 01:36:47 2006] : ** (3) Dori takes some food. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:37:15 2006] : Marquart: takes some food
[Wed Mar 15 01:37:41 2006] : Marquart: nods in appreciation to Horis
[Wed Mar 15 01:37:57 2006] : ** (1) Horis nods back **
[Wed Mar 15 01:38:11 2006] : Marquart: "So why would you all wish to rid us of this evil
[Wed Mar 15 01:38:16 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev finishes eating, performs his evening devotions and prepares for sleep. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:38:32 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Because it's evil.
[Wed Mar 15 01:38:43 2006] : ** (1) Horis finishs food and starts to look around to see what type a gaurd may be needed. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:38:44 2006] : ** (3) Dori doesn't nods back, Dori looks uncomfortabe. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:39:14 2006] : Marquart: "Evil to who?"
[Wed Mar 15 01:39:16 2006] : ** (8) Kahlan falls asleep **
[Wed Mar 15 01:39:24 2006] : Marquart: "The outsiders or to us?"
[Wed Mar 15 01:39:32 2006] : (5) Malkiev: You yourself just said it was evil.
[Wed Mar 15 01:39:55 2006] : (1) Horis: The harm he has do effects many not just your poeple and now seem to stand up to him, so we will and make this a safer place for all.
[Wed Mar 15 01:40:10 2006] : Marquart: "Aye I did but only because it is stalking and killing our families...Wha thas he done to you?"
[Wed Mar 15 01:40:21 2006] : Marquart: "You all are not of the swamp..."
[Wed Mar 15 01:40:42 2006] : (3) Dori: "He tried to make me his slave."
[Wed Mar 15 01:41:08 2006] : (1) Horis: No but he has attacked many who are not, and us as we traveled.
[Wed Mar 15 01:41:10 2006] : Marquart: "A good point m'lady."
[Wed Mar 15 01:41:22 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Neither are the innocent merchants and travellers to the nearby town, yet he kills and steals from them.
[Wed Mar 15 01:41:45 2006] : Marquart: "Ah so for some of the outsiders he is hurting their profit and that is evil..."
[Wed Mar 15 01:42:26 2006] : (5) Malkiev: perhaps you should learn to listen to all of what one says and not just what you want to hear.
[Wed Mar 15 01:43:24 2006] : Marquart: 'Ah perhaps...I am not used to outsiders...But after these months you are all more like those of us from the swamp..."
[Wed Mar 15 01:43:28 2006] : (1) Horis: He breaks the laws of my faith by bring things back to life with returning there souls.
[Wed Mar 15 01:44:01 2006] : (5) Malkiev: As I said, he KILLS and steals from.. etc...
[Wed Mar 15 01:45:03 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Not to mention he uses the bodies and souls of the dead for his vile purposes.
[Wed Mar 15 01:46:17 2006] : Marquart: "Tis a good reason for you I assume ... As well me... The ways of a ranger are so much like yours..." he says to Malkiev...
[Wed Mar 15 01:46:31 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Just by being who he is and doing what he does, his very existance is an affront to everything that brings meaning to my life.
[Wed Mar 15 01:47:41 2006] : Marquart: " But you should all rest now...The road tomorrow is long and tiring... I will keep watch...'
[Wed Mar 15 01:47:58 2006] : ** (8) Kahlan is asleep **
[Wed Mar 15 01:48:09 2006] : ** (1) Horis takes him for his word and lays out for the night. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:48:19 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Thank you, Marquart. I shall take your advice.
[Wed Mar 15 01:49:06 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev finds a comfy spot under a tree and drifts off to the dream world. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:49:24 2006] : Marquart: finds a lower limb and climbs into the trees and makes himself comfortable for his watch...
[Wed Mar 15 01:51:03 2006] : DM: The night passes uneventfully and you all wake to the quiet whistling of Marquart as he prepares a meal of fruit and nuts for you all
[Wed Mar 15 01:52:08 2006] : ** (1) Horis thanks just for the meal and makes the atempt to look happy with it. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:52:21 2006] : (3) Dori: "Hmm thanks," Dori appreciates the nuts
[Wed Mar 15 01:52:58 2006] : Marquart: " I think that you will find that the food I have brought for you today will keep you on your feet todat..."
[Wed Mar 15 01:53:07 2006] : (8) Kahlan: thank you good sir. *Kahlan eats*
[Wed Mar 15 01:53:07 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev thanks Marq for the food and consumes his portion of the meal. **
[Wed Mar 15 01:54:09 2006] : ** Milton eats nuts **
[Wed Mar 15 01:54:13 2006] : Marquart: We travel through a very dank and dark area today...we must be swift...
[Wed Mar 15 01:55:26 2006] : Milton: thank you, kindly, Marquart
[Wed Mar 15 01:55:33 2006] : (1) Horis: Then let us be off.
[Wed Mar 15 01:55:47 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Yes, let's.
[Wed Mar 15 01:56:04 2006] : (13) Knightmare (enter): 01:56
[Wed Mar 15 01:56:20 2006] : Marquart: points ahead a few yards and you see the trail begins to wrap around a large cypress like tree and decends into the darkness rapidly...
[Wed Mar 15 01:56:59 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Well, lead on...
[Wed Mar 15 01:57:27 2006] : DM: anyone looking over the edge of the trail now would see that the path is 70 or 80 feet up in the trees...
[Wed Mar 15 01:58:12 2006] : DM: And dark
[Wed Mar 15 01:58:39 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( If it's dark, how can we see how high it is? ))
[Wed Mar 15 01:59:11 2006] : Marquart: starts down the trail" Bring as much of the trail food as you can carry.It gives energy..."
[Wed Mar 15 01:59:11 2006] : Server Administrator-> Kicking '(13) Knightmare' from server... Removing dead client
[Wed Mar 15 01:59:12 2006] : (13) Knightmare (exit): 01:59
[Wed Mar 15 01:59:45 2006] : Marquart: (( it is not so terribly dark that you can not catch glimpses of the ground ...yet...))
[Wed Mar 15 02:00:39 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev continues following along. **
[Wed Mar 15 02:01:40 2006] : DM: as the path make sit way down you find vines are used as make shift rails and safety holds...
[Wed Mar 15 02:01:42 2006] : (14) Creslin (enter): 02:01
[Wed Mar 15 02:02:12 2006] : (14) Creslin: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Mar 15 02:02:13 2006] : (14) Creslin (exit): 02:02
[Wed Mar 15 02:02:28 2006] : ** (3) Dori follow wishing she had elf eyes. **
[Wed Mar 15 02:03:07 2006] : DM: The cypress tree is large and it takes many trips around it to finally get to path that is "gounded"...
[Wed Mar 15 02:03:26 2006] : DM: ***grounded***
[Wed Mar 15 02:04:08 2006] : Marquart: " Follow me precisly and do not stray from the path i show you..."
[Wed Mar 15 02:04:38 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Follows the instructons.
[Wed Mar 15 02:06:17 2006] : Afmin: After what feels like hours Marquart finally takes a break in a wide part of the path...
[Wed Mar 15 02:07:11 2006] : Marquart: "Two trails meet here..."
[Wed Mar 15 02:07:33 2006] : (5) Malkiev: ok
[Wed Mar 15 02:07:50 2006] : (3) Dori: "Which one do we want."
[Wed Mar 15 02:08:02 2006] : Marquart: 'It is another two days journey along our current path tha twe will part company..."
[Wed Mar 15 02:08:38 2006] : (5) Malkiev: ok
[Wed Mar 15 02:09:11 2006] : Milton: where do each of the trails lead?
[Wed Mar 15 02:10:22 2006] : Marquart: "eventually out of the swamp for some of them..Other villages,or what is left of them that is,for others...eventually all of the others lead to him..."
[Wed Mar 15 02:10:46 2006] : Milton: him... the necromancer?
[Wed Mar 15 02:10:53 2006] : Marquart: "Aye"
[Wed Mar 15 02:11:15 2006] : Marquart: "the terrible things he does to the dead..."
[Wed Mar 15 02:12:00 2006] : Milton: i guess I never though about it that way, I was always more concerned about the things he does to the living.
[Wed Mar 15 02:12:09 2006] : Marquart: "That is why I will not go past the boundaries of his land..."
[Wed Mar 15 02:12:41 2006] : Milton: we appreciate all the help you can give us
[Wed Mar 15 02:13:28 2006] : Marquart: "Ah good or bad the living eventually get all that they deserve...The dead however do not deserve to be disturbed...
[Wed Mar 15 02:14:41 2006] : DM: As you sit and listen to your guide you are suddenly aware of a loud commotion coming for you from the east....
[Wed Mar 15 02:14:48 2006] : Milton: I guess you're right
[Wed Mar 15 02:15:03 2006] : (5) Malkiev: What's that?
[Wed Mar 15 02:15:26 2006] : (8) Kahlan: something mean probably
[Wed Mar 15 02:15:46 2006] : Marquart: puts his hands up t oask for silence...
[Wed Mar 15 02:16:12 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev silences **
[Wed Mar 15 02:16:35 2006] : Marquart: after a few moments he looks about and motions to all of you to get well back int othe underbrush ...
[Wed Mar 15 02:17:04 2006] : ** (3) Dori slips into the shadows **
[Wed Mar 15 02:17:09 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /horis is...
[Wed Mar 15 02:17:25 2006] : ** (1) Horis readies his axe as his moves back. **
[Wed Mar 15 02:17:36 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev tromps into the bush. **
[Wed Mar 15 02:19:17 2006] : Marquart: ((sorry stepped away for a minute))
[Wed Mar 15 02:20:03 2006] : Marquart: Dori feels very comfortable with her hiding abilities...
[Wed Mar 15 02:20:21 2006] : ** Milton pulls out his flail as he hudes un the underbrush **
[Wed Mar 15 02:20:31 2006] : Milton: (( hides, even))
[Wed Mar 15 02:20:39 2006] : ** (8) Kahlan hides in the brushes **
[Wed Mar 15 02:20:41 2006] : ** Valdrin readies his bow and crafted arrow and hides in the shadows **
[Wed Mar 15 02:20:42 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Readies his weapons and half-heartedly attempts to conceal himself.
[Wed Mar 15 02:21:13 2006] : DM: After a few more minutes and more ruckus a largish bear runs into the clearing...
[Wed Mar 15 02:22:36 2006] : DM: It appears to be completely terified...
[Wed Mar 15 02:23:05 2006] : ** (3) Dori lets it pass and waits for what is chasing it. **
[Wed Mar 15 02:23:32 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Holds completely still so as not to draw attention to himself, and waits.
[Wed Mar 15 02:23:38 2006] : DM: It is quite possibly the largest bear any of you have seen or ever heard about...
[Wed Mar 15 02:24:18 2006] : DM: It stops and looks at Marquart and then walks to him
[Wed Mar 15 02:26:03 2006] : Marquart: "Whatever it is that chase brother bear it is formidable.... The swamp bears do not cower easily..."
[Wed Mar 15 02:26:44 2006] : Milton: I'm bettin' it has sonethin' to do with that necro-guy
[Wed Mar 15 02:27:04 2006] : Milton: ((somethin', even))
[Wed Mar 15 02:27:50 2006] : (5) Malkiev: There's not much around here that doewsn't have something to tdo with that vile beast.
[Wed Mar 15 02:28:17 2006] : Milton: good point oh wise palidin
[Wed Mar 15 02:29:48 2006] : DM: From out of the thin air seemingly a large boulder fleis in and hit the bear on the hind quarters with an audible crack its hind legs snap...
[Wed Mar 15 02:30:55 2006] : Milton: (( mortar! Brings back old OIF flashbacks ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:31:05 2006] : DM: And then the heads of several out of place hill giants come into to view as the seem to rip throught the swamp...
[Wed Mar 15 02:31:25 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev gives up on concealing himself and comes out of the brush in a furious rage, staring in the direction from whence came the boulder. **
[Wed Mar 15 02:32:05 2006] : ** (1) Horis follows Malkiev quickly **
[Wed Mar 15 02:33:21 2006] : DM: The beasts seem to be unaware of your presence as they keep laughing it up and move in for the kill
[Wed Mar 15 02:33:32 2006] : ** Milton joins malkiev and Horis **
[Wed Mar 15 02:33:51 2006] : Milton: OK guys, go for the motor nerve points
[Wed Mar 15 02:33:57 2006] : (1) Horis: ((AC))
[Wed Mar 15 02:34:05 2006] : ** (8) Kahlan steps out of the brush **
[Wed Mar 15 02:34:11 2006] : (1) Horis: ((STFU Ken))
[Wed Mar 15 02:34:28 2006] : (8) Kahlan: (( how many are there?))
[Wed Mar 15 02:34:30 2006] : DM: ((nah I am ok...col enough without ac thanks though...))
[Wed Mar 15 02:34:31 2006] : ** (3) Dori will drop out of the shadows driving her sabers into the back of one. **
[Wed Mar 15 02:34:59 2006] : DM: (( AC: 0))
[Wed Mar 15 02:35:34 2006] : DM: As the giants come into clearer view the appear to be decked out in some decent armour ...
[Wed Mar 15 02:35:51 2006] : (1) Horis: ((distance?))
[Wed Mar 15 02:36:04 2006] : (8) Kahlan: (( how many are there? ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:36:21 2006] : DM: (( initiative))
[Wed Mar 15 02:36:42 2006] : (3) Dori: Dori: Init with Quality Saber : [1d10+4] -> [2,4] = (6) init
[Wed Mar 15 02:36:44 2006] : Valdrin: DoriDori: Init with Quality Saber :  added to list at init count 6 !
[Wed Mar 15 02:36:56 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Valdrin))
[Wed Mar 15 02:37:00 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Malkiev: (( Attacking )) [1d10+3] -> [5,3] = (8) init
[Wed Mar 15 02:37:01 2006] : Valdrin: ) MalkievMalkiev: (( Attacking )) added to list at init count 8 !
[Wed Mar 15 02:37:15 2006] : Valdrin: [1d10+7] -> [8,7] = (15)
[Wed Mar 15 02:37:38 2006] : Valdrin: grr
[Wed Mar 15 02:37:41 2006] : Valdrin: add me at 15
[Wed Mar 15 02:38:09 2006] : (1) Horis: Horis Flame strike (inat) [1d10+6] -> [4,6] = (10) init
[Wed Mar 15 02:38:10 2006] : Valdrin: ) HorisHoris Flame strike (inat) added to list at init count 10 !
[Wed Mar 15 02:38:20 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Milton))
[Wed Mar 15 02:38:33 2006] : Valdrin: Valdrin added to list at init count 15 !
[Wed Mar 15 02:38:33 2006] : Valdrin: Valdrin [15d1] -> [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] = (15) init
[Wed Mar 15 02:38:35 2006] : Milton: Attacking with footman's flail [1d10+7] -> [3,7] = (10) Init
[Wed Mar 15 02:38:45 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Kahlan))
[Wed Mar 15 02:38:51 2006] : (8) Kahlan: casting Fumble on closest hill giant [1d10+4] -> [3,4] = (7)
[Wed Mar 15 02:39:23 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Valdrin: [15d1] -> [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] = (15) init
[Wed Mar 15 02:39:23 2006] : (1) Horis: Kahlan [7d1] -> [1,1,1,1,1,1,1] = (7) init
[Wed Mar 15 02:39:24 2006] : DM: ((let me know when you are ready))
[Wed Mar 15 02:39:24 2006] : Valdrin: ) MalkievValdrin: added to list at init count 15 !
[Wed Mar 15 02:39:26 2006] : Valdrin: ) HorisKahlan added to list at init count 7 !
[Wed Mar 15 02:39:44 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Milton: [10d1] -> [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] = (10) init
[Wed Mar 15 02:39:45 2006] : Valdrin: ) MalkievMilton: added to list at init count 10 !
[Wed Mar 15 02:40:02 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /next is...
[Wed Mar 15 02:40:28 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /go is...
[Wed Mar 15 02:40:33 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /go is...
[Wed Mar 15 02:40:53 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Mar 15 02:41:18 2006] : DM: ??????
[Wed Mar 15 02:41:55 2006] : DM: ANY ONE GOIN?
[Wed Mar 15 02:42:19 2006] : (3) Dori: i think its me, was waiting for prompt
[Wed Mar 15 02:42:20 2006] : Valdrin: one sec
[Wed Mar 15 02:42:31 2006] : Valdrin:
Starting Round # 1 [D20]
[Wed Mar 15 02:42:31 2006] : Valdrin: Roll New Initiatives

[Wed Mar 15 02:42:33 2006] : Milton: waitout
[Wed Mar 15 02:42:39 2006] : Valdrin: damn
[Wed Mar 15 02:42:41 2006] : Valdrin: one sec
[Wed Mar 15 02:42:43 2006] : Milton: (( disregard that ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:42:54 2006] : Valdrin:
End of Round
Starting Round # 2

[Wed Mar 15 02:43:02 2006] : Milton: ((WAITOUT))
[Wed Mar 15 02:43:37 2006] : Valdrin: grr... skip it... do it manally
[Wed Mar 15 02:44:06 2006] : Valdrin: Clearing Initiative List !
[Wed Mar 15 02:44:09 2006] : Valdrin:
Starting Round # 1 [D20]
[Wed Mar 15 02:44:09 2006] : Valdrin: Roll New Initiatives

[Wed Mar 15 02:44:10 2006] : Valdrin: Clearing Initiative List !
[Wed Mar 15 02:44:44 2006] : DM: are we ready yet?))
[Wed Mar 15 02:44:47 2006] : Valdrin: Dori on a 6
[Wed Mar 15 02:44:49 2006] : (1) Horis: Dori on 6
[Wed Mar 15 02:44:55 2006] : (3) Dori: Dori lepts out of the shadows and attempts to drive her sabers into the back of the nearest giant.
[Wed Mar 15 02:44:59 2006] : (3) Dori: Attack: Quality Saber - AC hit is : [13-1d20] -> [13,-6] = (7)
[Wed Mar 15 02:44:59 2006] : (3) Dori: Attack: Quality Saber - AC hit is : [13-1d20] -> [13,-12] = (1)
[Wed Mar 15 02:45:34 2006] : (3) Dori: ((that doesn't include bonuse for back attack or surprise))
[Wed Mar 15 02:46:01 2006] : (1) Horis: ((so yeah she hit what now))
[Wed Mar 15 02:46:09 2006] : DM: so with you rol lwhat ac did you hit?))
[Wed Mar 15 02:46:40 2006] : (3) Dori: ((yeah not including bonuses for back attack or surprise, i hit 7 and 1))
[Wed Mar 15 02:46:58 2006] : DM: So you hit once))
[Wed Mar 15 02:47:07 2006] : (3) Dori: Damage vs large: Quality Saber: [1d8+3] -> [4,3] = (7)
[Wed Mar 15 02:47:15 2006] : (1) Horis: (so with it she would it the 1 I think anyways not that I count for any thing))
[Wed Mar 15 02:47:33 2006] : (3) Dori: since it was a backstab that is 21 points of damage.
[Wed Mar 15 02:47:55 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Mar 15 02:48:03 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( Kahlan 7 ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:48:13 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:48:28 2006] : ** (8) Kahlan casts fumble on closest hill giant **
[Wed Mar 15 02:48:31 2006] : (8) Kahlan: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
[Wed Mar 15 02:48:35 2006] : (8) Kahlan: no crit
[Wed Mar 15 02:48:45 2006] : DM: (( effects and leve lrestrictions))
[Wed Mar 15 02:49:50 2006] : (8) Kahlan: causes running creature to fall and trip weapons to drop
[Wed Mar 15 02:50:22 2006] : DM: ((save?))
[Wed Mar 15 02:50:28 2006] : (8) Kahlan: yes
[Wed Mar 15 02:51:03 2006] : DM: ((which giant))
[Wed Mar 15 02:51:28 2006] : (8) Kahlan: the closest to me
[Wed Mar 15 02:51:36 2006] : DM: (( no effect))
[Wed Mar 15 02:51:38 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:51:40 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Mar 15 02:51:53 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( Malk 8 ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:52:08 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:52:39 2006] : ** (5) Malkiev runs past the first giant and charges the middle one. **
[Wed Mar 15 02:52:44 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( Axe hits AC )) [10-1d20] -> [10,-5] = (5)
[Wed Mar 15 02:52:52 2006] : (5) Malkiev: ((SSwd hits AC)) [14-1d20] -> [14,-14] = (0)
[Wed Mar 15 02:52:57 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( Axe hits AC )) [10-1d20] -> [10,-15] = (-5)
[Wed Mar 15 02:53:13 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( Miss,hit, hit))
[Wed Mar 15 02:53:20 2006] : (5) Malkiev: ((Axe Damage)) [1d8+6] -> [8,6] = (14)
[Wed Mar 15 02:53:22 2006] : (5) Malkiev: ((SSwd Damage L)) [1d8+3] -> [6,3] = (9)
[Wed Mar 15 02:55:22 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Mar 15 02:55:24 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( Milton & Horis 10 ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:55:35 2006] : ** (1) Horis Praying to Afmin **
[Wed Mar 15 02:55:57 2006] : (1) Horis: (flame Strike, save for 1/2 )
[Wed Mar 15 02:56:00 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20] -> [12] = (12)
[Wed Mar 15 02:56:27 2006] : (1) Horis: (wait one I think i miss, but need to check)
[Wed Mar 15 02:57:47 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( one what? Hour? ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:57:51 2006] : (1) Horis: (yep miss))
[Wed Mar 15 02:58:02 2006] : DM: (( ok now what?))
[Wed Mar 15 02:58:06 2006] : ** Milton attacks the nearest giant. [1d20] -> [5] = (5) target 12 **
[Wed Mar 15 02:58:24 2006] : Milton: (( miss))
[Wed Mar 15 02:58:37 2006] : DM: (( Joe isn't there some sorty of affect for missing even?))
[Wed Mar 15 02:59:07 2006] : Milton: (( yeah, milton gets a fireball up his ass ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:59:09 2006] : (1) Horis: (just a 5 foot colum of fire close by that didn't hit the giant)
[Wed Mar 15 02:59:16 2006] : Milton: (( again ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:59:25 2006] : DM: ((ok
[Wed Mar 15 02:59:26 2006] : (1) Horis: (it was lighting))
[Wed Mar 15 02:59:40 2006] : Milton: (( whatever ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:59:43 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Mar 15 02:59:45 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( Val 15 Last ))
[Wed Mar 15 02:59:53 2006] : DM: wait then
[Wed Mar 15 03:00:18 2006] : Valdrin: [1d20] -> [15] = (15) vs 18
[Wed Mar 15 03:00:26 2006] : Valdrin: miss
[Wed Mar 15 03:01:09 2006] : DM: wait i said
[Wed Mar 15 03:01:10 2006] : DM: LOL
[Wed Mar 15 03:01:42 2006] : DM: The giant tha tDori attacke knocks her to the ground and nails her for 14 points of damage...
[Wed Mar 15 03:02:26 2006] : DM: Re roll Mike))
[Wed Mar 15 03:02:40 2006] : Valdrin: [1d20] -> [20] = (20) vs 18
[Wed Mar 15 03:02:57 2006] : ** (3) Dori tumbles with the blow. "Ooooooooo that hurt." **
[Wed Mar 15 03:03:12 2006] : Valdrin: [1d20] -> [7] = (7) vs 18
[Wed Mar 15 03:03:15 2006] : Valdrin: [1d8] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Mar 15 03:03:19 2006] : Valdrin: one hit one miss
[Wed Mar 15 03:03:46 2006] : (5) Malkiev: That hit was a Crit...
[Wed Mar 15 03:04:07 2006] : DM: yup))
[Wed Mar 15 03:04:19 2006] : Valdrin: right in the eye
[Wed Mar 15 03:04:28 2006] : DM: ((mike roll a d6))
[Wed Mar 15 03:05:38 2006] : Valdrin: [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Mar 15 03:06:10 2006] : DM: 5x normal to head
[Wed Mar 15 03:06:52 2006] : Milton: (( cuncussion time ))
[Wed Mar 15 03:07:09 2006] : Valdrin: good arrows... good arrows
[Wed Mar 15 03:08:00 2006] : Valdrin: [5d8] -> [2,6,3,4,3] = (18)
[Wed Mar 15 03:08:21 2006] : DM: (( whickh one you go after?))
[Wed Mar 15 03:08:44 2006] : Valdrin: what ever one is closer and a clear shot i guess
[Wed Mar 15 03:08:59 2006] : (1) Horis: (Dori's yeah thats it)
[Wed Mar 15 03:10:52 2006] : DM: The one to the bottom of the screen swings at Malkiev swings and hits him for 21 points of damage
[Wed Mar 15 03:11:06 2006] : (5) Malkiev: ugh!
[Wed Mar 15 03:11:06 2006] : DM: The bear is practically howling in pain
[Wed Mar 15 03:11:54 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Mar 15 03:12:01 2006] : (1) Horis: ((round))
[Wed Mar 15 03:12:14 2006] : Milton: (( someone put the Damn bear out of its misery ))
[Wed Mar 15 03:12:19 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( omg! 1 more point that would have been 1/2 my hp...))
[Wed Mar 15 03:12:54 2006] : (1) Horis: ((init or quit todd?))
[Wed Mar 15 03:13:25 2006] : Milton: (( what's the AC for the bear?))
[Wed Mar 15 03:13:37 2006] : DM: The last one moves in on Horis
[Wed Mar 15 03:13:48 2006] : (1) Horis: ((no don't we can fix that later and he draws fire))
[Wed Mar 15 03:14:42 2006] : Valdrin: (( right now he seems to have drawn fire our direction though ))
[Wed Mar 15 03:15:12 2006] : Milton: (( he led them straight to us ))
[Wed Mar 15 03:15:26 2006] : DM: The last giant swings and connects for 27 points of damage
[Wed Mar 15 03:15:32 2006] : (1) Horis: ((that was the rangers fault not the bears))
[Wed Mar 15 03:15:44 2006] : (1) Horis: Going feel that in the morning
[Wed Mar 15 03:16:06 2006] : Milton: (( if you live'til morning))
[Wed Mar 15 03:16:07 2006] : DM: ((save it and be ready for a fight next week))
[Wed Mar 15 03:16:21 2006] : (3) Dori: ((okay
[Wed Mar 15 03:16:24 2006] : (1) Horis: ((fine be that way))
[Wed Mar 15 03:16:33 2006] : DM: from here on out it is all combat...
[Wed Mar 15 03:16:56 2006] : (9) Ken: no song and dance, then
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:09 2006] : (9) Ken: he, he, get it?
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:20 2006] : (9) Ken: nvm
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:22 2006] : (5) Malkiev: (( so in other words, be prepared for death... ))
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:23 2006] : DM: lol
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:25 2006] : (1) enwewn: yeay and stuff, next week may be init tool will work for us... or maybe not
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:29 2006] : DM: yup
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:32 2006] : DM: i mean nope
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:41 2006] : DM: there will be xp awards this week
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:47 2006] : (9) Ken: gimmie a D!
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:48 2006] : (11) Mike: gonna try to be on early so I can figure it all out
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:56 2006] : DM: D
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:56 2006] : (5) Malkiev: D!
[Wed Mar 15 03:17:59 2006] : (11) Mike: D!
[Wed Mar 15 03:18:04 2006] : (1) enwewn: right around 10000 right? just for me right?
[Wed Mar 15 03:18:07 2006] : (9) Ken: Gimme a E!
[Wed Mar 15 03:18:12 2006] : (5) Malkiev: E!
[Wed Mar 15 03:18:26 2006] : (9) Ken: 10,000 would help me out a bit
[Wed Mar 15 03:18:33 2006] : (9) Ken: Gomme an A!
[Wed Mar 15 03:18:38 2006] : (5) Malkiev: A!
[Wed Mar 15 03:18:41 2006] : (9) Ken: Gimmie, even
[Wed Mar 15 03:18:54 2006] : (9) Ken: Gimmie a T!
[Wed Mar 15 03:18:55 2006] : DM: A
[Wed Mar 15 03:18:57 2006] : (5) Malkiev: T!
[Wed Mar 15 03:19:08 2006] : (9) Ken: Gimmie a H!
[Wed Mar 15 03:19:09 2006] : DM: H
[Wed Mar 15 03:19:12 2006] : (5) Malkiev: H!
[Wed Mar 15 03:19:19 2006] : (9) Ken: What's that spell?
[Wed Mar 15 03:19:25 2006] : (5) Malkiev: OUr destiny!
[Wed Mar 15 03:19:27 2006] : (11) Mike: DAH
[Wed Mar 15 03:19:29 2006] : DM: Milton
[Wed Mar 15 03:19:49 2006] : (9) Ken: ADnD!
[Wed Mar 15 03:19:59 2006] : DM: Nite all
[Wed Mar 15 03:20:02 2006] : (9) Ken: YAY!!
[Wed Mar 15 03:20:06 2006] : DM: Kat and Deb get some sleep
[Wed Mar 15 03:20:09 2006] : (8) Kahlan: nite
[Wed Mar 15 03:20:11 2006] : (11) Mike: you could spot me a hair under 3000 and I'll be good
[Wed Mar 15 03:20:13 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Night
[Wed Mar 15 03:20:13 2006] : (1) enwewn: nights
[Wed Mar 15 03:20:20 2006] : (11) Mike: nite ladies
[Wed Mar 15 03:20:22 2006] : (9) Ken: Good Night everybody!
[Wed Mar 15 03:20:43 2006] : (5) Malkiev: See you in the funny pages.
[Wed Mar 15 03:20:57 2006] : DM: nite again...bye
[Wed Mar 15 03:21:06 2006] : DM: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Mar 15 03:21:07 2006] : (4) Todd (exit): 03:21
[Wed Mar 15 03:21:21 2006] : (9) Ken: Funny pages - like the Wanted Posters?
[Wed Mar 15 03:21:27 2006] : (3) Dori: Until next time
[Wed Mar 15 03:21:28 2006] : (3) Dori (exit): 03:21
[Wed Mar 15 03:21:32 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Yeah, that too.
[Wed Mar 15 03:21:46 2006] : (5) Malkiev: Getting the F'k outta here.
[Wed Mar 15 03:21:46 2006] : (5) Malkiev (exit): 03:21
[Wed Mar 15 03:21:58 2006] : (9) Ken: Alright, I better get some sleep
[Wed Mar 15 03:22:01 2006] : (8) Kahlan: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Mar 15 03:22:01 2006] : (8) Kahlan (exit): 03:22
[Wed Mar 15 03:22:08 2006] : (9) Ken: suffering from withdrawal
[Wed Mar 15 03:22:08 2006] : (9) Ken (exit): 03:22
[Wed Mar 15 03:22:27 2006] : Game disconnected!